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Engage. inspire. prepare.

Our team of instructional leaders and committed staff are dedicated to providing a positive learning experience and a safe learning environment - socially, emotionally, and physically for each child - every day.


Sharing accomplishments of students and staff.
MSD wrestlers go to state!

Congratulations to:
Kira Songer
Joseph Davis
Rodger Jones-Charles-Shelton
Aiden Eagle
Garrett Reeves-Turner

CTE Month
CTE Month

Staff at the Educational Service Center took a moment to celebrate CTE month!

National Youth of the Year Named

Hannah Worth, MGHS senior and Marysville Boys and Girls Club employee named the National Youth of the Year by the club and awarded a $2,000 scholarship. Congratulations, Hannah!

SCWOA Coach of the Year
Congratulations, Marcus Haughian!

Mr. Haughian is the Sno County Wrestling Officials Association Coach of the Year!