Dr. Sue Ann Bube
OSPI/ESD Expert Consultant
(360) 965-0174
Sandra Madrigal
Interim Director of Elementary Special Education
(360) 965-0173
Nya Berry
Director of Secondary Special Education
(360) 965-0175
Debbie Hoover
(360) 965-0177
Danielle Wilcox
District Associate
(360) 965-0172
District Associate
(360) 965-0171
Procedural Safeguards (English)
Procedural Safeguards (Spanish)
Procedural Safeguards (Russian)
Procedural Safeguards (Other Languages)
Special Education Referral Form
Restraint and Isolation Pamphlet (English)
Restraint and Isolation Pamphlet (Spanish)
Restraing and Isolation Pamphlet (Russian)
Restraint and Isolation Pamphlet (Ukrainian)
National Center on Intensive Intervention
National Center on Progress Monitoring
National Professional Development Center
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction: Special Education Resource Library
Moving in tandem with the district's new online services and information, Special Education is also hoping to make the experience of our families, staff, and students as good as possible. While we are always available to answer your questions on the phone, in person, or via email, we also want to keep adding to our website to deliver needed information in a way that is fast and easy. Please let us know if you have suggestions.

Special Education Parent Meetings
Special Education parent meetings provide an opportunity for families to give input to school district leaders about programs, practices, and services that have an impact on students with disabilities and their families.
The purpose is to provide opportunities for parental input to improve educational outcomes and well-being for all students, including those with disabilities. This will help identify unmet needs, shape the development of programs, services, and policies, and improve district culture.
Save the Date! Special Education Parent Meeting:
April 22, 2025, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m., details forthcoming.
What is Special Education?
Special education is a system of supports available to students with disabilities that adversely affect their education and require specially designed instruction. Primary support is provided by trained teachers and other professionals who work with parents on a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Access and delivery of these services is governed by federal and state law, as well as local school board policies. Special education is provided at no cost to parents and includes the related services a student needs to access her/his educational program.
What are Service Providers?
Each school is staffed with special education teachers and support staff including speech pathologists, school psychologist, physical therapists, occupational therapists, etc. The learning needs of most students can be met by teachers and support staff in their neighborhood school. For students with more complex learning needs, center-based services may be provided.
Who does Special Education serve?
Children and young adults from birth through age 21 who are residents of the Marysville School District are entitled to receive special education services after meeting eligibility requirements. Children aged zero to three are served by a community agency in collaboration with the district. Preschool-aged children are served at their neighborhood elementary or in the district’s own developmental preschools depending on their needs. School-aged children and young adults(ages 5-21) are served in the district’s 22 schools.
All students receiving special education services have been found eligible through a process of evaluation, consultation, and planning that follow federal and state guidelines.
What if I am concerned about my child's development?
Click HERE to learn more.

Guidelines to Resolve Concerns related to my Child's Special Education Program
While both staff and parents work together, with positive intent, to support students who receive special education services, sometimes differences of opinion may occur. Parents who have questions or concerns about their child should take their concerns first to the special education teacher, the general education teacher who works with their child. If the questions or concerns are not answered at that level, parents have a series of people to whom they can go for help. The following list shows who to contact and in which order when you have questions or concerns regarding your child.
Who to contact when you have questions or concerns:
Start with the special education teacher or general education teacher.
If concerns are not met, contact the school principal, assistant principal, or dean of students.
If concerns are not met, contact the Special Education Director of Elementary or Secondary.
If concerns are not met, contact Executive Director of Special Education and Student Services.
If concerns are not met, contact the Superintendent, Dr. Zachary Robbins.
If concerns are not met, contact the OSPI Special Education Parent Liaison, Scott Raub at 360-725-6075.
Other outside supports:
Office of the Ombuds Office: 1-866-297-2597 or www.waparentslearn.org
Arc of Snohomish County: 425-258-2459
Sound Options : 800-628-7649 or www.soundoptions.com