MSD25 Paraprofessional, Terri House selected to serve on School Employees Benefits Board

September 28, 2017

Tara Lee | 360.902.4136

Gov. Jay Inslee announced today members of the new School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB). The board was created by HB 2242 in the 2017 Legislative Session as part of the response to the state Supreme Court's ruling in the McCleary decision.

The board's role is to design and approve insurance benefit plans for school employees and to establish eligibility criteria for participation in insurance benefit plans. The board will meet monthly. 

The legislation requires the governor to appoint voting members to the board: (a) Two members from associations representing certificated employees; (b) Two members from associations representing classified employees; (c) Four members with expertise in employee health benefits policy and administration, one of which is nominated by an association representing school business officials; and (d) The director of the health care authority or his or her designee.

Initial members of the board will serve staggered terms not to exceed four years. Members appointed thereafter will serve two-year terms. 


Pos. 1 – Daniel Gossett, member from association representing certificated employees Gossett is a library information specialist with the Edmonds School District with over 30 years experience. He has been a member of the Washington Education Association Benefits Services Advisory Board since 2008

Pos. 2 – Katy Henry, member from association representing certificated employees Henry is a special education - education/behavior specialist with Spokane Public Schools. She is currently President of the Spokane Education Association.

Pos. 3 – Terri House, member from association representing classified employees House is a paraprofessional with the Marysville School District with over 15 years’ experience. She also serves as an executive board member for SEIU 925.

Pos. 4 – Patricia Estes, member from association representing classified employees Estes is an assistant cook with the Eatonville School District. She is currently vice president of the Eatonville Chapter of Public School Employees of Washington, SEIU Local 1948.

Pos. 5 – Wayne Leonard, member with expertise in employee health benefits policy and administration (nominated by an association representing school business officials) Leonard is the assistant superintendent of business services for the Mead School District. He was nominated by the Washington Association of School Business Officials.

Pos. 6 – Pete Cutler, member with expertise in employee health benefits policy & administration Cutler is currently retired, brings extensive experience working with health care policy, finance, and administration. His background includes working for Department of Retirement Systems, Health Care Authority, Office of Insurance Commissioner, state actuary, and the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

Pos. 7 – Alison White, member with expertise in employee health benefits policy & administration White is the executive director for Better Health Together and vice president of community engagement for Empire Health Foundation in Spokane. She bring over 20 years of experience in executive administration.

Pos. 8 – Sean Corry, member with expertise in employee health benefits policy & administration Corry is president of Sprague Israel Giles, Inc. He bring over 20 years of experience in health and insurance policy and employee benefit administration.

Pos. 9 – Louis McDermott, director of the HCA or their designee  McDermott is director of the Heath Care Authority and will serve as chair per statute requirement.