Lushootseed I at MPHS
We are excited to re-establish Lushootseed instruction at MPHS this year. It has been 18+ years since Lushootseed has been offered at the campus and in previous years, it was offered as a focus toward Tulalip Tribal member/Tulalip Community member students. This year the course is offered to all interested students from all grade levels with a total of 56 students enrolled for the year during 2nd and 3rd period.
The coursework will focus on relevant conversation lessons that can be used throughout the day. These include talking about daily routines, weather, calendar, and sharing meals with one another as well as many more topics to keep students engaged.
This same course is being offered at Heritage campus, taught by Michelle Myles, with students learning the same material to ensure communication can take place between students at both schools. Michelle has been vital in revitalizing the language and particularly in inspiring this generation to commit to learning.
We look forward to the many connections that will be made through learning and speaking our ancestral language on the territory of our ancestors.