Marysville-Pilchuck High School is in the beginning stages of naming and appointing a new mascot. Because of house bill 1356, we have been given a strict timeline of appointing a new mascot. Work with the community, students, families and school staff will be done to rename our mascot over the next two months. Marysville-Pilchuck will still hold on to its traditional culture and remain an inclusive place for students to learn and serve their community. We are looking for your initial input and we greatly appreciate your time and feedback as you have an important voice in this decision. Please fill out the information on this survey to help start the collaboration of appointing a new mascot.
Link to Community/Parent Survey:
MPHS Homecoming Info...
Link to Community/Parent Survey...
MPHS mascot survey below:
Please complete as soon as possible. Thank you.
Bienvenidos a la preparatoria Marysville Pilchuck.
Estamos muy contentos de tener un ciclo escolar dentro de lo que cabe normal. Hay mucha información super importante que como padres, deberíamos saber para poder ayudar a nuestros hijos a graduarse a tiempo. También nos gustaría saber que temas requieren información y/o temas a tratar en juntas futuras. Por este motivo quiero invitarlos a una sesión informativa totalmente en español en la cual se tratarán temas tales como requerimientos académicos para graduarse, skyward (sistema para revisar todo lo relacionado con nuestros hijos como asistencias, trabajos y/o tareas entregados, etc.) así como múltiples programas y oportunidades que existen durante la preparatoria que cuenta como créditos universitarios y/o les ayuda para ir a la Universidad.
Los esperamos el sábado 2 de Octubre, de 5 a 6 de la tarde en la Librería de MP, será una sesión totalmente el español.
Al terminar disfrutaremos de un evento familiar por motivo del mes de la Hispanidad en el cuál podrán observar la película COCO, como un “autocinema” habrá distribución gratuita de ciertos bocadillos y venta de alimentos.
Acompáñenos, los esperamos!
"The MP counseling center has food bags students can pick up each week to bring home for the weekend, please let your counselor or Mrs. Milnor know if you are interested in a weekly food bag".
Chris Milnor~Student Support Advocate (she, her)
Drama Club is holding auditions for their fall show "All Together Now" featuring music from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," "Newsies," "Frozen,""Mary Poppins" and others shows like "Hairspray," "Mamma Mia!," "RENT," "Les Miserables" and more!
Auditions are Monday, Sep.20, and Tuesday, Sep.21 from 2:30 pm-5:00 pm in the auditorium. Sign-ups are available on the piano in Mr. Klementsen's room MC-8. You can also get the Google Classroom code to download and fill out an audition packet.
Everyone is welcome to try out! No previous experience is required!
Roy Klementsen
Marysville-Pilchuck High School Drama/English
Reminder Makeup Pictures are Tomorrow! This is only for students who have NOT yet had their pictures taken. Retakes will be on 11/4/21. See attached for ordering online. ALL students must be pictured for Skyward and their Student ID card.
MPHS Bell Schedule for Mon. - Thurs. and PGF (Fridays)
Have a great day everyone!
Makeup Pictures are Thurs. 9/16/21. This is for students who have NOT yet had their pictures taken only, and Retakes will be on 11/4/21. See attached for ordering online, or pickup in the cashier's office. ALL students must be pictured for their Student ID card and for Skyward.
Link Day Postcard, September 8th for Freshmen only.
Update - Marysville Pilchuck Check In 8/26 & 8/27 - Please note that our first check in flyer had the wrong start time for seniors on Thursday, 8/26. It should be 10:00am. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you! We can't wait to see you all!
Hello Families and Staff! We are looking forward to seeing you at the all-district Back to School Celebration this evening beginning at 5:30 pm at the MPHS campus. Unfortunately, EvCC School of Cosmetology had to cancel providing free haircuts for students due to a positive COVID case, however, staff will be handing out free haircut coupons! NJROTC students will be on hand to assist with parking. See you soon! #WeAreMSD
Hello Graduated Class of 2021…Your pre-paid yearbook distribution will start tomorrow 8/24 from 2pm-4pm…There will be a tent set up near the student parking lot. Please e-mail Hannah Jones with any questions.
Join us for a Back to School Celebration on Tuesday, August 24, 5:00 - 7:30 pm as we kick off the new school year and welcome our students back to school! Free food and beverages, fun activities, information, and resources! Marysville School District staff will be on hand to answer questions, share information, register students, provide resources, and more along with community partners providing resources and information for students and families.
Did you know?
If you or someone you know is a part of Marysville School District and are experiencing homelessness, we are here during the summer! We can help provide basic needs such as food, clothing, shower and laundry while we connect you to local resources.
If you are interested in supporting our Connections Center with new or gently used clothing, food, or monetary donations, please call or text Deanna Bashour @ 360-913-1183, email or visit
Hello Class of 2024 and Class of 2025… Please see the attached flyer to RSVP for the NJROTC Summer Orientation Event.
The MPHS Main Office is open thru June 30, 2021. We will reopen to the community on Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Have a great summer!
Due to the extreme heat advisory, the Summer Meals Program curbside grab and go meal service will be limited to the following sites on Monday, June 28, 9:30 am - 10:30 am:
Allen Creek Elementary
Liberty Elementary
We anticipate reopening all sites on Tuesday, June 29 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm, which includes:
Allen Creek Elementary
Grove Elementary
Liberty Elementary
Quil Ceda Tulalip Elementary
Totem Middle School
Please stay safe and stay cool!
June 17
Marysville Pilchuck High School, 7:00 pm, Quil Ceda Stadium
*All graduations will be live-streamed on the Marysville School District's channels. Recordings will live on the MSD Vimeo site:
MOVING UP ASSEMBLY - Students and parents may watch the assembly from the following links:
MPHS's facebook page at:
Marysville School District's Youtube channel at:
Marysville School District's Facebook Page at:
Please push those links out to your students, especially to your seniors.
The program for the assembly will go as follows:
Welcome: 5 Minutes
Pledge of Allegiance: 3 Minutes
President’s Promise: 5 minutes
Department Awards: 10-15 minutes
Senior awards, Counselors, and Athletic awards: 15-20 minutes
Super Staff Award: 7 minutes
Heart of MP Award: 2 Minutes
Senior Video
Moving Up: 5 minutes
President’s Recap and dismissal: 5=7 minutes.