We have updated our Senior Activities - https://5il.co/bk1l
about 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
2020 Senior Activities
Early Release on Wednesday, November 27th - https://5il.co/bjft
about 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Parent Teacher Conferences are Nov. 20th from 12-2:30 pm and Nov. 21st at 12-2:30 pm and 5-7:30 pm. No appointment needed! Bell schedule: https://5il.co/beu5
about 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put your student behind in school. This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school. Be a #HERO...Here Everyday Ready On Time!
about 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Noche Informativa para Familias con estudiantes en escuelas medias y preparatorias (Grados 6-12) Parent Info-Night for families with middle school & high school students (Grades 6-12)
about 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Family Information Night for Families of Middle and High School Students. This presentation is in SPANISH! MPHS library November 13th 6-8 pm Flyer: https://5il.co/b6zu
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Veterans Day assembly on Friday, Nov. 8th. Click image for schedule.
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Veterans Day Assembly Sched
MP food drive runs through November 22nd!
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Food Drive
Senior Graduation orders at lunch! Jostens representatives will be in the commons during both lunches on Wednesday, October 23rd. Info: https://5il.co/axfc
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Homecoming Dance is Saturday, October 19th. Photo packages available: https://5il.co/au1i
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put your student behind in school. This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school. Be a #HERO...Here Everyday Ready On Time!
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District
MP Homecoming Week October 14-18
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
homecoming 2019
Senior Yearbook Photos: You may submit a senior photo for our yearbook. Deadline is January 10th. Please see the informational flyer: https://5il.co/aojo
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Our Homecoming dance is Saturday, October 19th. MP students are allowed to bring one guest upon completion of the guest pass form: https://5il.co/aktx Pick-up a copy in the main office, take form to the cashier to purchase tickets. Oct 7-11 $25 w/ ASB, $30 w/o., Oct 14-18 $30 w/ ASB, $35 w/o, Oct 19th - $40 at the door. All prices are per person.
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Free and Reduced Lunch forms are due ASAP for the new school year.If you received free or reduced lunch last year, forms need to be completed again to qualify for the new school year. Deadline is October 1st. Forms can be picked up at the main office or counseling office. Completed forms can be returned to the main office.
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
Today's daily bulletin: https://5il.co/aff7
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
MP Parent Nights - 10th, 11th, & 12th Informational meetings in our libary - see flyer for details: https://5il.co/9r1n
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
parent nights
Sept 19th school bulletin: https://5il.co/ac8i
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
College Visits at MP We have several college representatives scheduled to visit our campus. Please see Mr. Carpenter in the Counseling office for a pass as needed. Link to schedule: https://5il.co/aa4r
over 5 years ago, Marysville-Pilchuck
2019 College Visits
English lessons for families (Flyers in English, Spanish, and Russian) Questions please contact Sandra Mejía at EvCC or Nancy Smith ELL Department. CLASES GRATIS DE INGLÉS Para familias de Tulalip y Distrito Escolar de Marysville Registrarse En Persona en la escuela Liberty 1919 10th St., Marysville O contactando a Sandra Mejia SMEJIA@EVERETTCC.EDU 425-388-9257 CUANDO Trimestre de Otoño Miércoles Del 25 Septiembre al 04 de Diciembre 4:30pm-6:30pm DONDE Escuela Primaria Liberty 1919 10th St., Marysville, WA 98270 SERVICIOS *Matrícula Gratis *No se requiere comprar libros *Guardería Gratis Preguntas y Registración: Sandra Mejia SMEJIA@EVERETTCC.EDU 425-388-9257 o Registrarse En Persona en la escuela Liberty 1919 10th St., Marysville —————————————————- FREE ENGLISH CLASSES For Marysville School District Families Questions and Registration: Sandra Mejía smejia@everettcc.edu 425-388-9257 or Register in person at Liberty School 1919 10th St., Marysville, WA 98270 WHEN Wednesdays September 25th to December 4th 4:30pm-6:30pm WHERE Liberty Elementary 1919 10th St., Marysville, WA 98270 SERVICES *Free Tuition *Purchase of books is not required *Free Childcare —————————————— БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ КЛАССЫ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ДЛЯ СЕМЕЙ МЕРИСВИЛЛСКОГО ШКОЛЬНОГО ОКРУГА КОГДА По Средам 25 Сентября по 4 Декабря 4:30 до 6:30 вечера ГДЕ Liberty Начальная Школа 1919 10th St., Marysville, WA 98270 УСЛУГИ *Бесплатное Обучение *Покупка книг не требуется *Бесплатный присмотр за детьми Вопросы и Регистрация: Sandra Mejía smejia@everettcc.edu 425-388-9257 или Зарегистрируйтесь Лично в Liberty Школе 1919 10th St., Marysville, WA 98270
over 5 years ago, Marysville School District