8600 52nd AVE NE
Marysville, WA 98270-3545
Mica Harasek, Principal
Marian Gonzales, Assistant Principal
Phone (360) 965-1300 Fax (360) 965-1304
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Dear Pinewood Families:
School begins next week! Next Wednesday through Friday, teachers will meet with families to help with questions and provide information needed to be successful in the on-line classroom. This week, teachers are contacting families to set up your individual conferences. You will receive an email from your classroom teacher by the end of today, Thursday, September 4th. If you do not receive this email, you will need to contact the school to update your contact information. Our phone number is 965-1300. Call the office starting Friday, September 4th between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm to update your contact information and to find out who will be your child’s classroom teacher. Or go into your student’s Google Classroom or Skyward to access this information after 4:00 pm on Friday, September 4th. This may be a ZOOM meeting or face-to-face in your child’s classroom. If you come into the classroom, the chairs will be cleaned after each conference, and we will wear masks and maintain social distancing.
Family-Teacher Conference Dates: Wednesday, September 9th through Friday, September 11th. You can sign up using the conference form included in your teacher’s email or through your child’s Google Classroom page.
3rd-5th grade: If you need a school Chromebook, distribution will take place from 1:00pm to 3:00 p.m. on September 10-12th in the Pinewood cafeteria.
K-5th grade: If you have a school Chromebook from last year, but it is broken or damaged, contact the district office at 360-965-0200. We cannot trade out Chromebooks at the school level.
K-2nd grade: We plan to make your Chromebooks available for distribution soon. When we know those dates, we will email and post this information to Facebook and our website.
K-5 School Supplies: We will have school supplies available for those who need them during our Chromebook distribution times.
Library Books: You can return these during your parent-teacher conference or drop them off at the office when you pick up supplies or Chromebooks. No fees will be charged for late returns.
Lunches will be available to all students starting Wednesday, September 9th. Curbside grab-and-go pick up is from 11:00-12:30 each week day at all elementary schools. Stay tuned for additional information on other lunch distribution options, or check the Marysville Website.
Safety: When you enter the school building for any reason, you will first check into the office, fill out a health screen, and have your temperature taken. Wearing masks is required the entire time while inside buildings. Masks are available in the office. No more than 5 people together at a time. Use social distancing.
We are so looking forward to seeing you and supporting you in any way we can.
Marian Gonzales
Pinewood Elementary
Assistant Principal