Dear Pinewood Families,
We have had an amazing two weeks of getting to know you and our students! Thank you for being so flexible as we all learn together. Distance learning definitely has its challenges, but we are so grateful that unlike in past epidemics where school was just canceled, we are fortunate enough to continue to learn!
Starting Monday, September 21, your student will follow the Student Daily Schedule that our District put out. You can access it on our Pinewood website as well. Students will Zoom with their teachers and classmates in the morning starting at 8:30 a.m. Their teacher will share the principal message with them just prior to their morning meeting and academics. In the afternoon, students will access their specialist class (Music, Library, Code or P.E.) via a link in their Google Classroom. Each teacher will let their students know which specialist is on which day. These are pre-recorded lessons. On Fridays, K-2 students will have choice in which specialist portal they visit and what they would like to do that day. Each specialist has options for Fridays until we are able to hire an art teacher. Grades 3-5 do not have specialists on Fridays.
Lastly, teachers are looking at data for guided reading groups and intervention groups. Once your teacher has their groups made, he or she will reach out to let you know what days your student will attend their guided reading group and/or intervention time.
Myself and Ms. Gonzales welcome any questions and if you call the office we are available to you. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for partnering with us!
Principal Mica Harasek &
Assistant Principal Marian Gonzales