Hispanic Parent Information Session 3/17 6-7:30pm

IEPC Family Night

Hello TMS Families,
Totem Middle School invites you to join them for the First Annual Course Selection Night on Wednesday, March 26th! The course selection night provides an opportunity for TMS students and families to see what course selections students have made; offering an opportunity for expanded input from their families. Students will be selecting courses during their school day on either Tuesday, March 25th or Wednesday, March 26th. Marysville Pilchuck School Counselors will be on campus both days and at the evening event in order to address questions or concerns surrounding course selections.
This event is recommended for all students and families who will attend MPHS next year for the 2025-2026 academic year. Come and go at your convenience.
TMS Course Selection Night
Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
4:00pm to 6:00pm
TMS Cafeteria
Contact Serena Meidinger, School Counselor, at serena_meidinger@msvl.k12.wa.usfor more information.

Student/Staff Hockey Game - Practice Information

Totem Middle School is happy to announce their participation in the Students of Color Career Conference. This year the conference is focusing on local Snohomish County schools in order to make connections that showcase the opportunities available at Everett Community College. The goal of the conference is to connect students with professionals of color who can provide mentorship and inspiration, and see clear pathways to career options that align with their ambitions. Middle School is the prime time to start these conversations as our students start their High School and beyond planning. Registration Deadline is Friday, February 28th.
If you are interested in your student attending this event, please fill out the google form. Upon completion, our school counselor, Serena Meidinger, will connect with you to obtain the necessary permission slips.
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact Serena at (360) 965-0521 or serena_meidinger@msvl.k12.wa.us

Please note the date change for our movie night! It is now on March 5th after school. Please make sure to arrange transportation. Tickets are available to purchase 2/25, 2/26, 2/27 during lunches this week!

The ASB Valentine's Dance will be on February 28th after school! Tickets will be available in the office during lunches next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (2/25, 26, 27) as well as at the door.

Join Us for MPHS Open House | February 27, 2025
Hello Future MP Families,
Marysville Pilchuck High School invites you to join them for their annual MPHS Open House on Wednesday, February 27th! The open house gives all MP students and families an opportunity to learn more about class options, student clubs & activities, athletics, student services, and more resources available at Marysville Pilchuck. Don’t miss this chance to meet and chat with the teachers, counselors, & support staff who work with students everyday!
Their counselors will also provide multiple, short “Graduation 101” Info Sessions during the event that will teach you everything you need to know to ensure your student meets their graduation requirements on time!
This event is recommended for all students and families who will attend MPHS next year for the 2025-2026 academic year. Come and go at your convenience.
MPHS Open House
Thursday, February 27, 2025
5:30pm to 7:00pm
MPHS Commons
Contact Andrew Santos, Career & College Readiness Counselor, at andrew_santos@msd25.org for more information.

Please join us on March 6th!

Valentine's Dance @ Don Hatch Youth Center

UPDATE - 6:25 A.M.: Weather conditions are changing, and due to the hazardous road conditions and an abundance of caution for the safety of our students and staff, we have decided to close schools today. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unpredictable weather. All after-school clubs, activities, and practices are canceled. The district's athletic department will provide an update on any scheduled athletic events this evening. Stay safe and warm.

Marysville School District will operate on a 2-hour late start with buses on limited transportation routes. There is no half-day preschool (a.m. or p.m.) and no out-of-district transportation, including Sno-Isle Skill Center, Regional Apprenticeship Program, and McKinney-Vento. Stay safe and warm!

UPDATE, 6:40 a.m.: Due to hazardous road conditions and out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our students and staff, we have decided to close schools today. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unpredictable weather. All after-school clubs, activities, and practices are canceled. The district's athletic department will provide an update on any scheduled athletic events this evening. Stay safe and warm.

February 5, 2025: Due to hazardous road conditions, Marysville School District will operate on a 2-hour late start with buses on limited transportation routes. There is no half-day preschool (a.m. or p.m.) and no out-of-district transportation, including Sno-Isle Skill Center, Regional Apprenticeship Program, and McKinney-Vento. Stay warm and safe!

February 4, 2025: Due to hazardous road conditions, Marysville School District will operate on a 2-hour late start with buses on limited transportation routes. There is no half-day preschool (a.m. or p.m.) and no out-of-district transportation, including Sno-Isle Skill Center, Regional Apprenticeship Program, and McKinney-Vento. Stay warm and safe!

Please be sure to join us tonight for our Totem Family Winter Bash!

Please join us for our Totem Family Night on January 30th from 4:30 to 6:30!

Impact Aid provides critical funding to the district to support students. If you are an active duty member of any military branch, please complete the form today at https://bit.ly/MilitaryInfoForm. Thank you! More details are available at https://www.msd25.org/article/1928639.

The Highly Capable Program Information Night for parents and guardians is tonight, Wednesday, December 18, at 6:00 p.m. at the Marysville Getchell High School Campus, 8301 84th Street NE. The meeting will be held in Building A and will include a group presentation and breakout sessions to share information on various program areas.

12/18/24, 6:40 a.m.: The district is experiencing intermittent power outages at Marysville Getchell High School and Sunnyside Elementary School. PUD is working to restore power as soon as possible. We will provide an update as soon as more information is received. Currently, there are no school schedule modifications.