Operation School Bell:
Operation School Bell provides clothing to students who demonstrate financial need and attend schools in Snohomish County. Your child' school will arrange for your child to receive new clothes.
What we do...
Since 1965 we have had the privilege of providing school clothes to over 100,000 children and teens, one child at a time. Due to the impact of COVID-19 all preschool, elementary, and middle school students receive personalized bags of new clothing Currently we have long-standing agreements with 15 school districts throughout Snohomish County.
Each Child Receives:
-Three pairs of jeans, pants or leggings
-One jacket
-One sweatshirt
-Three shirts
-Six pairs of underwear
-Six pairs of socks
-One personal hygiene care kit
-One pair of shoes
-One book of their choice
Please contact your child's school counselor for more information.

Don't forget, picture day is coming! This Thursday, September 15, 2022. Picture ordering packets were sent home with students last week in their first period class. You can also order by using the QR code in the flyer.

Apply to Serve on Totem Parent Advisory Team Today!
Come help our school develop strong school-family-community partnerships, and promote the active participation and engagement of parents/guardians, family, and community members in the achievement and well-being of students! Consider applying to serve on our Parent Advisory Team! Go to https://forms.gle/Qbhbcj6Za3qor3TW7 to apply. The application deadline is September 19.

Marysville School District has an urgent need for bus drivers! Please help spread the word. There are also openings for van/motor pool drivers. Great incentives, good pay, and schedule.

TMS Open House is Tuesday Aug 30
Noon- 4pm

Recently a group of staff from the Marysville School District and The Tulalip Tribes attended the Native Voices Educator Art Academy Training at the Skokomish Community Center during the week of August 1 - 5. The group trained in equity, diversity, and the arts in relation to Native American arts and culture, earning 13 STEM clock hours and 17 equity hours, with the potential for more with classroom mentorship! The Arts Impact Team included mentors who guided us through the week with the Skokomish Tribe graciously hosting us.
Representation included Cedarcrest Middle School, Totem Middle School, MPHS, Lead Native Liason-Matt Remle (not pictured), and Tulalip Tribal members.
(L-R) Thomas Williams, Natosha Gobin, Jessica San Luis, Tanya Taimanglo, Dori Henrickson, Robin Danso, Rosemarie Wilkins, Jan Muirhead
(front) Lizzie Mae Williams, Alex Norton, Briauna Hansen Norton

Marysville School District Transportation has opening bus and van drivers! Join our team!

No backpacks the last three days of school at Totem Middle. Ladies may bring a small purse but students should leave their backpacks or duffle bags at home. Any athletics gear needed for the student/staff game can be locked in the security office before school.

Don't miss out on these two events tomorrow! Kids and Kites at the Marysville Middle School Field and the Juneteenth Kick-off at Totem Middle School in the gym and cafeteria.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Check out these resources from MindUp! Activities for You and Your Child: Gratitude and Kindness Can Change the World. Go to: https://mindup.org/.../Activities-for-You-and-Your-Child...
#WeAreMSD #MentalHealthAwareness

COVID cases have slightly increased within the County, as a reminder, if your child is not feeling well or develops COVID-like symptoms please keep them home and fill out the Health Screening Form: https://bit.ly/MSDHealthReportingForm2021. Test kits available at your school.

COVID cases have slightly increased in Snohomish County, as a reminder, if your child is not feeling well or develops COVID-like symptoms please keep them home and fill out the Health Screening Form: https://bit.ly/MSDHealthReportingForm2021. Test kits available at your school.

Please remember to vote before tomorrow, April 26, at 8:00 pm! Thank you!

April 20, 2022
Dear Totem Families,
Our school takes pride in and celebrates the diversity of our students, families, staff, and our community.
Since the start of this school year, action steps have been taken by the Marysville School District to address concerns related to meeting the needs of each student such as social-emotional and physical safety, addressing inequitable practices, and creating a sense of belonging.
Part of these action steps include schools hosting “listening sessions” to bring our students, families, staff, and community members together to share their needs and concerns. We are committed to actively listening to each of your experiences.
Please join us April 28 at 5pm in the TMS Library for our school’s listening session. If you are unable to attend, we will be creating a Google Survey for you to include your feedback. We look forward to your participation with us on this journey as we strive to create a sense of belonging for each student and family we serve.
Keri Lindsay
TMS Principal

Remember to vote on or before April 26! Ballots arrived in mailboxes last week. There is no postage due to mail your ballot in. To learn more about the two important replacement levy measures on the ballot, go to https://www.msd25.org/page/levy-and-capital-levy-2022

Reminder! This is happening tomorrow, April 14!
7:00 am - 4:00 pm*
4220 80th Street NE (Educational Service Center)
(Follow the directional signs to the Connections Center Portable)
New or gently used school appropriate clothing & new or barely worn shoes for kids of all sizes K-12th grade & adults
PLEASE - No used socks, underwear, undergarments, accessories, purses, or toys

Tonight, April 4, is the night! MP vs. MG fastpitch softball league game under the lights at Cedar Field! Game time is 7:00 pm. Grove Elementary student and Marysville Little League player, Ellie Petermeyer, will throw out the first pitch. Go teams! Thank you to the Marysville and Tulalip voters who make these athletic events possible for students! #WeAreMSD

Please join us!

Totem Spirit Week!!

Save the Date! Round Dance and Coastal Jam - March 30 at Totem Middle School. Everyone welcome!