Totem students and families, It is time for next years 7th & 8th graders to choose your electives for school year, 2020-2021. Please complete the following registration form by Tuesday, April 28th 2020. All 7th grade students will be enrolled in English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, 1 semester of Physical Education, Math and electives. All 8th grade students will be enrolled in English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, and electives. Click here to fill out the registration form:
almost 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
attention please
Hello Totem Thunderbirds! It is time to register for next school year, 2020-2021! Please check your email, TMS Facebook page, and TMS homepage starting Tuesday, April 21st to access the form to pick your electives. And remember to "SOAR like a Thunderbird in everything you do"!
almost 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Totem Thunderbird's! Join us for a virtual spirit week!! Starting next Monday, April 20th!
almost 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
spirit week
Calling all future Totem Middle School Thunderbirds! It is that time of year to register for next school year, 2020-2021. All 6th grade students will be enrolled in English Language Arts, Social Studies, Physical Education, Science, Math, and one chosen elective. Elective registration will be completed through an online form sent to Parents/Guardians emails and available on our TMS Facebook page later this week. Forms will need to be submitted no later than Friday, April 10th.
almost 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Atención Familias con estudiantes en 8vo Grado que entran a 9no Grado Estimados padres / tutores de estudiantes de octavo grado: A principios de este mes le enviamos un correo electrónico con un enlace para completar el formulario de solicitud de escuela secundaria 2020/2021 para su estudiante para el próximo año. Nuestros registros indican que usted aún no ha completado el formulario en línea. Presione el enlace a continuación y complete el formulario antes del 31 de Marzo de 2020. Formularios de ingreso a escuela preparatoria 2020 / 2021 PRESIONE AQUÍ O Copiar y pegar este enlace Si necesita ayuda para completar el formulario, envíe un correo electrónico: Puede usar este enlace para registrar a su estudiante en preparatoria (9vo Grado) O si necesita ayuda en Español, envíe sus datos a nuestra enlace de estudiantes para preparatorias: Ada Garza | | 360-965-2055 La información que necesitamos de los padres: 1. Correo electrónico del Padre/Madre 2. Nombre y Apellido del estudiante 3. Nombre y Apellido de Padre/Madre 4. Teléfono de Padre o Madre 5. Nombre de su escuela en la que están ahorita en 8vo Grado 6. Si tienen numero de estudiante de su almuerzo o biblioteca escolar 7. Cuales son sus 3 opciones que escoge para asistir a preparatoria: Marysville Getchell, Marysville Pilchuck, Heritage and Legacy High Schools.
almost 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Dear Parent/Guardians of 8th Grade Students, earlier this month we sent you an email with a link to complete the 2020/2021 High School Request Form for your student for next year. Our records indicate that you have not yet completed the online form. Please click on the link below and complete the form by March 31, 2020. If you need assistance completing the form please email: or call 360-965-0037 and leave a message, you will receive a call back within a few days.
almost 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
High School Selection forms due now for incoming freshman students! Complete online form at Call 360-965-0037 with questions or if assistance is needed. View Course Catalog at
almost 5 years ago, Marysville School District
High School Selection
Just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put your student behind in school. This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school. Be a #HERO...Here Everyday Ready On Time!
almost 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Meals provided for youth ages 1 - 18 at all school sites are "grab and go" style. No sit-down, cafeteria-style service.
about 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Tulalip Boys and Girls Club, Teen Center, and the Betty J. Taylor ELC is closed tomorrow, March 12 and will remain closed through next week. Parents of students who attend the Boys and Girls Club or Teen Center will need to drop off and pick up their child at school.
about 5 years ago, Marysville School District
TMS families! Our March newsletter is here and full of helpful information. Click here:
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Hi Totem Families, our "off and away" cell phone policy has prompted questions about how to get in touch with students during the school day. To reach your student, please call the main office phone number (360)965-0500. If it is a non emergency call, we can take a message for your student to deliver between classes. If you would like to speak with your student right away, we will call them to the office to speak with you in minutes. Our "off and away" phone policy aims to reduce distractions and keep kids engaged in learning. Thank you for your support.
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Totem Animal Drive March 2nd - 13th
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Animal Drive
March 13 is a school make up day! School will be in session following the Friday early release schedule.
about 5 years ago, Marysville School District
Weather Make Up Day
Please join us!
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Family night
Totem Middle School summarizes our phone policy with the phrase "OFF and away, but lunch is okay." We ask that all students keep their phones turned off and stored away in their backpack during class time and passing periods. Students are allowed to turn on and use their cell phones at lunch time. Why do we ask students to keep their phones turned OFF? Check out this video from Edutopia:
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
A big thank you to Preston Dwoskin for coming to share his message with our Totem Teammates last week. You're an inspiration.
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Totem families, The newest edition of The Middle Years newsletter is here! February: Spanish:
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Spirit Week is next week! Mon, Feb 24 - Fri, Feb 28.
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
spirit week
spirit week
spirit week
Spirit week
Great volunteer opportunity for 8th grade and high school students this summer at Camp Prov!
about 5 years ago, Totem Middle School
Camp Prov