Totem's Term 1 progress reports are being sent home with students today!
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Totem Families, update: classes are running as scheduled, no delay in district transportation. Our phones are down and being routed to the district. They can reach us in an emergency.
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Totem has temporarily lost power to some classrooms. Classes are still in session. Updates to follow.
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
The All City Food Drive is tomorrow! Look for the Community Food Bank's Red Barrels - More at
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Food Drive
Don't forget to Fall Back this weekend! Daylight savings ends early Sunday Morning.
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Daylight Savings
Being a parent is rewarding, but it can be tough - especially in the age of smartphones. #MSD25 partner Eduro Learning is offering a FREE online course for our families! Check it out!
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Why #BeDrugFree? Because your future is your key. #TMUnityMonth
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Red Ribbon
Hot off the press: Totem Middle School November 2017 Newsletter!
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
The All City Food Drive is Sat, 11/4! Look for the Community Food Bank's Red Barrels - More at
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Food Drive
Totem's school picture retake day is coming up, 11/3! See info below for ordering picture packages online.
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Picture Day
Thank you for helping to make sure our school community is a safe place to work and learn!
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Safe Schools
The YMCA Spooktacular Halloween Celebration! Saturday, October 28th 1:30-9:00pm at the Marysville Family YMCA.
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
The YMCA Halloween Event
Health Curriculum Information Night is TONIGHT @ 6pm at the MSD Service Center regarding HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum for all students 5th-12th grade. 360-965-0500
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Health Curriculum Information Night
Winter Sports are starting 10/30 at TMS! Sign up through SKYWARD Family Access or see Mr. Edinger with questions. Go Thunderbirds!
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Winter Sports
Our district is partnering with the Marysville Together Coalition to host a Guiding Good Choices for parents, guardians, and community!
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Good Choices
Totem's fall conferences are starting TOMORROW! Call our school with any questions (360)965-0500!
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Spirit week at Totem! Get excited and dress up!
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Spirit Week
Thanks for helping us promote #KindnessMatters Week and #TMUnityMonth. Remember, kindness starts with you.
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Your Future Is Key, So Stay Drug Free – Celebrate Red Ribbon Week, October 23 - 31 #TMUnityMonth #BeDrugFree
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Drug Free
Totem's school picture retake day is coming up, 11/3! See info below for ordering picture packages online.
over 7 years ago, Totem Middle School
Picture Day