Next week is spirit week at Totem!

National Safe Schools Week Reminder: Head up, phone down! http://www.nsc.org/learn/safety-knowledge/Pages/back-to-school-safety-tips.aspx

The Spooktacular Harvest Party TODAY, 6-8pm @ Grove! Fun event for Special Needs families!

National School Safety Week: If you see something suspicious or unsafe, say something!

Health Curriculum Information Night is 10/25 @ 6pm at the MSD Service Center regarding HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum for all students 5th-12th grade.

There’s power in numbers. Team up with others to take the power out of bullying. #TMUnityMonth #KindnessMatters

TMS Softball Sched & Updates:
10/23 vs.MMS @MPHS
10/24 vs.Cedarcrest @Cedarcrest(rescheduled from 10/18)
10/25 vs.Hidden River @MPHS

Today: The Great ShakeOut! Are you prepared? Earthquake drills, safety, & preparedness: www.earthquakecountry.org/sevensteps/

Inclement Weather & School Closures Information, this is just a reminder. Stay safe out there!

Totem's 4pm Softball game has been cancelled due to the weather. We apologize for any inconvenience! 360-965-0500

This week is Safe Schools Week! Learn more about how to take action to keep our kids safe in and away from school: https://www.cdc.gov/features/safeschools/index.html

Winter Sports are starting 10/30 at TMS! Sign up through SKYWARD Family Access or see Mr. Edinger with questions. Go Thunderbirds!

National School Safety Week Reminder: School Bus Safety!

Bullying is not kids being kids or a normal part of growing up! If you see it, report it! #TMUnityMonth #KindnessMatters

It’s Kindness Week: Take the 5-Days of Kindness Challenge! #TMUnityMonth #KindnessMatters

The Spooktacular Harvest Party 10/20, 6-8pm @ Grove! Fun event for Special Needs families!

Totem's fall conferences are 10/25 and 10/26! Call our school with any questions (360)965-0500.

National Safe Schools Week Reminder: Head up, phone down!

This week is Safe Schools Week! Make a plan, get informed, be prepared, and talk to your kids about what to do in an emergency or natural disaster! Check out www.ready.gov for more information.

Healthy relationships are based on equality & respect, NOT power & control. More at: https://goo.gl/KExrfd
#LoveIsRespect #TMUnityMonth